#1 Mulenga Village Well
In January of 2024, our small team set off on our very first exploratory mission trip to Malawi, Africa. Upon our arrival, we discovered that the demand for clean drinking water was much larger than we could have ever imagined. Many drinking from muddy puddles or worse.
Our research led us to the area Chipoka, Malawi with over 340 remote villages. We graciously met with the head chief and received his blessing. He assisted by sending out scouts to determine communities most in need of clean water.
The Mulenga Village was selected as our first well site and would serve over 105+ people along with surrounding villages. We met with the local chief and asked them for suggestions for where the well should be placed. Many of the families have lived in the same area for thousands of years. They know the lay of the land and where water can be found. The next step was to bring in a resistivity surveying team to confirm to drill location. Once the results were back it was agreed that the well would be placed next to a young tree so that villagers would have shade while pumping water for years to come.
The drill team got to work right away. It is typical to hit clean water between 60 and 80 feet but this well was sunk to a depth of just over 160 feet to verify water quality and longevity. Next, a hand pump was installed along with a cement pad.
A celebration ceremony was held to turn over the well to the community. The chief was given tools and instructions for maintenance. Soccer balls and frisbees were distributed as children played and danced. With donations raised from the Northern Arizona University Police Department, employees, and students, we were able to feed a hearty meal to over 100 people. Care packages of food and soap were given to 40 elderly people and 20 children in dire need. The care packages held enough food and supplies to last a month. The gratitude and joy from all parties was overwhelming.
Project Type: Well & Hand Pump
Population: 105
Location: Mulenga Village
Stage of Project: Complete (01/27/2024)
Operational: Yes